Monday, April 18, 2011

First 2011 green beans harvest

In Texas we had been in a very critical drought, some people say is like something never seemed before, but my brother tells me otherwise. The only fact is that there are wild fires in some counties, luckily none close to home. It basically means no rainfall. The last month was well below rainfall average and since I sowed my green bean (60 days ago) seeds only twice rained and it was only one of those times that we had 10 minutes of torrential rain and then nothing more, it was like a message saying: "I know there's not rain here in a long time" and in a desperate measure, there is your water! and then vanished.

So much of a story for the final results, what's that?... The harvest!. You know I realized there's no much of a harvest for green beans when it comes to growing them in squared foot boxes, it's a waste of space, but anyway, the point here is taste and how prolific they are.

"Royal burgundy". Nice big purple bean pods, crispy, but for my taste they are kind of something bland. Not very prolific, round in shape, not very crispy.

Royal burgundy.

"Golden wax improved". The seeds gave me only 50% germination rate, but the prolific rate is good. My brother liked it, it is very crispy-crunchy and lite flavor. They are yellow-green color and round in shape.

Golden wax improved.

"Dragon tongue" is a beautiful pod, bad news is that is flavorless in my opinion because it had an excellent germination rate and is a rabbit producing. I'ts kind of more flat than round in shape, meaty.

Dragon tongue.
The other beans I got were kitchen king and tenderpick, but because their rate germination was from worst to medium and considering the taste, I find it worthless to even mention them!.

Overall I just picked around half of my green beans harvest(1/2 lb), overall I have 1.5 lbs.

For now there's nothing more to say about green beans, until late in the summer when I sow other bean varieties and fall brings the results.

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